Cable news is the town square of 21st century America, where opinionated people gather to discuss, debate and denounce the developments of the day. Ellis shares his views and commentary on the major cable channels — CNN, MSNBC, Fox News and more. Wherever he appears, he brings sharp insights, lively banter and a relaxed delivery.…


Metro Every Monday


It’s Trump’s America now. We just live here, looking for meaning, shaking our heads and making the best of things. Every Monday, Ellis writes his popular Trump America column for the global Metro papers including Metro New York, Metro Philadelphia, Metro Boston and in the fine Metro papers around the world. Read the latest installment…




Ellis has written a dozen books for major New York publishers on a wide variety of topics—politics, sports, business, military and current affairs. His books have provoked controversy, earned excellent reviews and landed repeatedly on the New York Times bestseller list.

See Ellis Henican’s books here.

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Henican’s books include: Worth Dying For with Navy SEAL Rorke Denver, Vigilance with NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly, Making it in America with John Bassett III, How to Catch a Russian Spy with Naveed Jamali. Also Amish Confidential with “Lebanon” Levi Stoltzfus and more

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Worth Dying For: A Navy SEAL’s Call to a Nation In a fast-paced and action-packed narrative, Navy SEAL commander Rorke Denver tackles the questions that have emerged about America’s past decade at war—from what makes a hero to why we fight and what it does to us. Heroes are not always the guys who jump…


Metro ConMan

Trump’s America: The Great American Con

Con artists are the stars of five television series this season. And that’s not counting the one on the news channels.  Metro March 14, 2017 Television is packed this season with con-man shows. There are five—count ’em, five—crowding the airwaves. And that’s not even counting the con-man show that’s on all the news channels 24…



Trump’s America: The Fear Factor

The Fear Presidency – Metro Papers Feb. 27, 2017 The tweeting president keeps trolling the “fake” news media. White House staffers keep leaking to the very same outlets the president derides as “phony,” even as government lawyers confiscate the aides’ personal iPhones. And almost all of it is rooted in exaggerated fear. Fear of Muslim…
