Kuby on Weber

Ron Kuby talks about the murder of his friend, ABC news guy George Weber. Dreadful circumstances, strong bond. Chilling stuff.


Newsday: Pounce Time

No one really thinks Barack Obama hates disabled kids. But when the president of the United States settled onto Jay Leno’s couch and used a flip way of describing how terrible a bowler he is, he didn’t need more time for reflection. It was too late for that. He already knew what he’d be doing…



Whataweek! It’s News to Us
From the “Ellis Henican Show,” Talk Radio Network. By Ellis Henican and Sam Hollander


Bad News Overload

Unemployment’s up again. Stock market’s down. Again. The whole idea of a comfortable retirement is fading from hopeful fantasy to “Yeah, as if!”


Ellis Henican and Julia Allison

Julia Allison and Ellis Henican stop by Fox Business Network’s “Happy Hour” with Rebecca Gomez and Cody Willard. They have fun discussing news and biz.